Body transformation

I am an advanced lifter, but wish to compete in either physique or lifting but seek professional help.

What is body transformation?

Body transformation is a form of weight manipulation, to achieve a more appealing physique.It is a physique recomposition, caused by either, body weight reduction, muscle development, or both. Despite variety of benefits, that come from weight training, this one is usually the most desired, amongst majority of gym goers, as it is the most visually pleasing.

Physique improvement its often related to:
– Increase of body and overall confidence,
– Reduced risk of health problems (whether it is mental health, obesity or other medical conditions),
– Elevated strength of joints, bones, and muscles,
– Regular endorphin realease, triggering a positive feel in your body and mind

This goal doesnt have restrictions, regarding your gym experience. Despite the fact that people of younger age, will benefit more from such, since their metabolic age is on average more advantageous. Everybody can change the way they look, provided enough effort and motivation is put into this goal.


What will I provide you with?

During our initial consultation and free trial session, we will establish based on your goal, previous physique modifications and current nutritional habits, body image, medical condition, and your level of experience, what sort of progression would be adviced to achieve desired result.

I will help you:

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